Losing role models is a significant source of problems for a civilization. In today’s tumultuous times, identity crises are on the rise, moral and ethical degradation is increasing. Various demands are becoming more apparent, while the supply and expectations are only placed on those who are currently striving to stand strong in front of the next generation.
Being an educator is not just about saving the family’s financial situation. It is a misconception to think that being a teacher is the only way to save our own lives. Being a teacher is indeed one way to save the lives of future generations in the long run. If we fail to embody exemplary behavior, an era will crumble. “I was sent to perfect noble character.”
The role of a teacher, in a narrow sense, is to teach in a school environment. However, teaching and educating are not just about the quality and quantity of the lesson material in the curriculum. Teaching and educating are about setting an example. A person who learns must also teach. The learning process is lifelong, extending beyond achieving a doctorate or professorship. Therefore, the task of teaching is essential. Teaching is not just about dry knowledge. Exemplary behavior is at the core of everything.
Often, we express criticism of the government’s education system or curriculum changes. We feel unsettled, incomplete, and unprepared for evaluation. Then we must adapt to new changes. Discrepancies and confusion always arise. Our opinions, consistently addressing the changing education ecosystem from the pandemic to the present, highlight the government’s policy mismatches with the reality on the ground. There are always demands from the public, but government regulations and decisions often stifle them.
Today, society is pondering and asking, what innovations are suitable for the future sustainability of our students in Madrasah? Exemplary behavior, prophetic character. Every teacher and educator is expected to instill character before reaping and forming a habit into a routine. Integrity, credibility, accountability, and intelligence. Simply a translation of “siddiq, amanah, tabligh, and fathanah.” Exemplary behavior that every teacher and instructor must possess. A teacher with a good spirit always gives birth to good educators and students. Without a strong spirit, teaching methods are just techniques. Lesson modules are merely scenarios. The curriculum is a design and limitation created to achieve goals. It is difficult to absorb knowledge and learning without a spirit, “…while you are given no knowledge except a little.”
Becoming an exemplar cannot be achieved quickly. It is not just about hard work. If it were not for our closeness to the Almighty Creator, we would not achieve the right goals to face the harshness of life. Exemplary teachers are always prepared to address difficult problems without clear answers. The difficulty is not solely the fault of students or parents. It is the presence of the “ruhul mudarris” as a pillar and foundational basis. The unpreparedness of a future generation depends on our preparedness as teachers and educators in the beautiful moments of learning.
Quoting the Arab poet, Asy-Syauqi, “Welcome the teacher, and show respect to them. Almost a teacher becomes a messenger (or equals their function and position).” A teacher deserves to be an example. Not only in front of their students but also in front of their students’ parents, neighbors, siblings, and even their children. Each of us is a teacher. Each of us is responsible for being an example.
May we all continue to be teachers who can become a positive influence, so that we can educate and become pillars of the community, before eventually becoming a record in the afterlife. There are many things that need to be improved, various problems facing our children today can be overcome if we are willing to be aware early on. Can you please rewrite the sentence for me?